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Gives you and your family financial flexibility during a serious illness or injury.

Trauma &
Critical Illness

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Benefits of Trauma Insurance

Lump Sum Payment

Built-in Children's Trauma benefit

Optional Total and Permanent Disability Benefits.

Worldwide Cover

What can it cover?

Trauma Cover provides a lump sum payment should you suffer one of the covered conditions. The covered conditions are by nature serious and potentially life threatening and as a result, can have a significant financial impact.

Trauma Cover is designed to help alleviate this financial impact. The lump sum payment can help reduce debt, purchase specialised equipment, pay for home modifications, provide additional care, create an investment fund to generate ongoing income, or enable business ownership to be restructured, among other things.

The purpose of the funds is entirely yours to decide.To validate your claim you need to survive 14 days after being diagnosed with a covered condition such as cancer heart attack or stroke.

Fixing Trauma & Critical Illness Premiums

You can fix your Trauma & Critical Illness  premiums. There are several options available, with different premium structures including:

Yearly Stepped – Your premium are based on your current age and sum insured. They start out relatively low, but will increase each year with age.

Level Term – Premiums are fixed for the life of the policy. At the start they will be more expensive compared to yearly stepped. But in the end you may be better off as yearly stepped premiums keep increasing.

Chat to one of your local advisors today to organise a personalised insurance plan. 

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