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Helpful news and advice on your insurance, finance or mortgage needs. 

How important is third party car insurance

For years people have been writing letters to the editors of newspapers and phoning talkback saying that third party car insurance should be compulsory. We're not going to go into answering that question here, but one thing we do know for sure; if you're driving your car without at least third party insurance, you are crazy!!

Frequently asked questions when buying a home

The answer to this depends on your income and your liabilities (debt). Ideally, most home buyers purchase a house that costs between 1 ½ to 2 ½ times their annual income. However sometimes, there are no houses available in your ideal price range.

Cleaning up after Christmas

Beware Christmas debt! As we wander around the shopping malls leading up to Christmas, it's so tempting to pull out our credit card to buy gifts and treats for family and friends. Of course, our intention is to quickly pay off the amount owing as soon as we get back to work in the New Year. Problem is, for many New Zealanders that doesn't happen.

How to decide before you buy something

"Your money is burning a hole in your pocket." That's a phrase my mother used to use. It's another way of saying, sometimes we just feel like buying something! And, we've all felt like that at some time or another. We're down at the mall and we see something we'd like. We say to ourselves, "I've got to have that, and it only costs..."
At Futurisk, we work for you, not the insurer. So when it’s time to make a claim, we’ve got your back.

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