Top tips for keeping your house warm this winter
Opening the curtains during the day is also a good idea. We often think that open curtains during daylight hour means losing all your precious heat during the day, but opening the curtains makes the most of the sun - the most effective and affordable heater known to man. Just make sure you remember to close them when the sun goes down.
Closing unused rooms is another effective method to prevent your precious heat being wasted. If you're not intending to use certain rooms for the rest of the day, close the doors. That way your heat stays where you want it to be.
Bear floor boards are a welcome invitation for the cold, and account for as much as 10 percent of heat loss. Wooden floors are the worst for leaking heat, but this can be prevented, or at least minimised, by placing rugs and blankets over the floor. This also has the added bonus of keeping your feet warmer too.
If you're keen to know how you can further prevent heat loss in your home, get up and walk around on a cold evening. Are there drafts coming from outside? From beneath doors? From between the floorboards? Have a think about what you could do to keep your house warmer this winter without splashing the cash!
Reference NZFSG
Keeping your house warm over winter can be hard. It can cost a small fortune to generate enough heat to get your house warm, and then there are so many ways for cold air to take its place. Luckily there are some affordable and simple ways to keep your house warm this winter that don't require a big budget or a degree in rocket science.
Thick curtains are great for trapping your heat inside, and curtains with thermal lining are even better. But if you have only got standard curtains in the house, there are a couple of tricks you can use to maximize their heat retention.
Thermal lining can be expensive, but other materials, such as cheap fleece, can be almost as effective. Just line the backs of your curtains with some fleece from your local fabric shop, and you'll be able to see the difference. In fact, you can even use an old PVC shower curtain to do the same thing. And it's not just the windows that need to be covered. Doors are notorious for leaking heat, so putting a curtain over your door might be a good idea too. And why not put a rug or folded towel at the foot of the door to stop your precious heat leaving the room.