Six Tips to Help You Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster
3. Make repayments fortnightly, not monthly
Most banks will set up your mortgage with monthly repayments; request fortnightly repayments. What that means is that, over a year, you’ll make 26 half-monthly repayments rather than 12 monthly payments – that’s two extra repayments per year. Over the course of a 30 year mortgage that can save you thousands of dollars.
4. Make lump sum repayments
If you have a tax refund or some other windfall, put it on your mortgage. It will go straight towards paying off principal owed and save money on interest repayments.
5. Track your finances
Many people could radically improve their personal finances if only they kept track of their income and expenditure – that means, keeping to a budget. Remember, even small amounts of money saved and put on your mortgage can save thousands over the period of your mortgage.
6. Set your mortgage up with part revolving credit
Of all the tips to save money on your mortgage, this is the most effective. It can be tricky to set up properly and you may need some financial advice to do it. Once set-up, however, it can save you tens of thousands of dollars and many years of mortgage repayments.
The team at Futurisk would love to talk to you about all aspects of your personal finances. Click here to contact Futurisk.
I remember when I was about Intermediate School age (a long time ago), my mother would give me $20 each fortnight and I’d take it to the local building society. It was the mortgage money. Having taken out a mortgage, my parents faithfully paid back the required sum every fortnight until every dollar of the interest and principal were paid off. No thought was given to ways of saving on those mortgage repayments.
These are, however, simple things you can do to speed up your mortgage repayments saving you both money and time.
Here are Futurisk’s six tips to help pay off your mortgage faster:
1. Start early
Whatever strategy you decide on, start as early on in your mortgage as you can. In fact, think about how you will repay your home loan before you even sign up for it. Perhaps get some advice from a financial solutions company like Futurisk or from your accountant.
This is because, with a table mortgage, which most mortgage-holders will have, the early payments are mostly interest with little principal being repaid. Then, as time goes on, the proportion of interest per payment decreases, and the proportion of principal per payment increases. So, the sooner you begin on a plan to speed up the paying off of your mortgage, the more you save.
2. Each fortnight, pay a little more than the bank asks for
If you pay any amount over what the bank asks you to pay on your mortgage, that amount will go straight into lowering the principal owed and therefore lower the interest you are paying. Over the life of your mortgage even a small amount of extra money paid per payment can save tens of thousands of dollars.
Here’s another little trick: over time, most mortgage repayments will decrease. Many home owners look forward to this and see it as extra money in their wallet. However, by keeping your repayments the same throughout the life of your mortgage, a lot of money can be saved.