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Make a

If you need to make a claim or have any questions about an existing claim, you can contact us for assistance. We'll let you know what extra information we need to help speed things up.
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Make a claim 

If you need to make a claim or have any questions about an existing claim, freephone 0800 17 18 19, or contact your local Futurisk team for assistance.

Contact Futurisk Waikato
0800 17 18 19
+64 07 929 2296
Contact Futurisk Manawatu
0800 17 18 19
+64 6 358 3400
Contact Futurisk Kāpiti
0800 17 18 19
+64 6 364 6123

Tips if something goes wrong

Make your property secure

  • If your home or business has been damaged, do whatever you need to do to secure the premises and make it safe and comfortable for your family or employees.

Contact us as soon as you can

  • The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can help. For example, we may be able to arrange quicker repairs or get you into temporary accommodation.

Do what you can to minimise any damage

  • Do what you can to prevent further damage - like boarding up windows or removing water damaged property. Try not to throw anything away, but if you have to, take photographs first.

Take photographs

  • Photograph any damage or other evidence. If you're in a motor collision, it's a good idea to take photos before any vehicles are moved if it's safe to do so.

Don't admit liability

  • Talk to us, or your broker or advisor before admitting liability or entering into a settlement agreement.

Our advice for claims 

Take immediate steps to prevent or minimise further damage - TO ACT AS IF YOU WERE UNINSURED


Notify us or the insurer immediately after any loss, accident, liability as soon as it comes to your knowledge.


Complete the appropriate Claim form we provide you and return to us as soon as possible. No claim can be settled, nor any repairer/Third Party reimbursed, until such time as your Insurer receives a completed Claim form.


In the case of Theft, Loss or Malicious Damage you must promptly notify the police and forward the Police Complaint Acknowledgement Form with your Claim Form.


Should the incident involve a Third Party, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ADMIT LIABILITY or ENTERING INTO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT without prior consent of your insurer.


Receipts, valuations or other documents to support your claim should be forwarded with your claim form.


Act with due diligence and try to assist your insurers in every possible way.


Motor Vehicle


  • Record date, time & place of accident, road & weather conditions, photograph of the impact site

  • Keep the details of any 3rd party involved (Driver’s name, address and phone number, Registration number, insurance company)

  • Make arrangements to have the vehicle sent to repairer of your choice as soon as possible.

  • Complete and forward a claim form to us.


Public Liability


  • It is important that the rights of the Insurer MUST NOT be prejudiced. Therefore all demands claiming damage to Third Party property under circumstances which are, or may involve negligence or error or omission or wrongful act, must immediately be reported to us and we will report the matter to your insurers.

  • Do not admit liability or make any payments which may be construed as an admission of liability - this is a Condition of the Policy.


Material Damage Special Risks


  1. Immediately investigate the extent and cause of loss or damage.

  2. Call us for a Claim Form and for further instructions.

  3. Obtain estimates for repairs

At Futurisk, we work for you, not the insurer. So when it’s time to make a claim, we’ve got your back.

We’ve got your back

Enquire Now
Freephone 0800 17 18 19
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